Sonntag, 31. Mai 2009

(Früh)Morgens in Deutschland

Morgens 5.55 Uhr in Deutschland


Kind : "Mamaaaaaaaaaaa, bist Du schon wach ?"

Mama : "hm..."

Kind : " Mamaaaaaaaa, wir müssen zurück an die Ostsee !"

Mama : "Wieso ?"

Kind : "Ich brauch ne Klimatherapie !"

Mama : " Wieso ?"

Kind : "Weil ich hier so schlecht atmen kann !" (verschnupft)


Mama gibt Kind dicken Schmatzer.


Also ich finde, über die Uhrzeit müssen wir noch reden, aber ansonsten kann ich meinem Sohn nur zustimmen !


Aber ein Lichtblick : Noch 6 Tage und dann gehts nach Sylt. Es gibt Schlimmeres ... trallala ...

Dienstag, 26. Mai 2009

Get a little high

Robbie Williams
Get A Little High

Wake up in the middle of In the thunder of a scream
And you realise that it was yours
You don't know what to tell them
'Cause you don't know where you've been

And you've been there so many times before
It's only natural to feel like you're sinking
It's only human to be so unprepared
Don't worry baby, if you get a little high
It's just a phase to get you through getting by
So you get a little restless and you get a little wasted
It's just a little lite entertainment Embrace it,
it might just save your life

You always say you're sorry
But you never know what for
And it's been happening more and more
Act your age and not your shoe size
And blah blah blah blah blah
That's your role model slam the door

So it's only natural to feel the guilt of a nation
It's only human when you're young you're gonna cry

Don't worry baby, if you get a little high
It's just a phase to get you through getting by
So you get a little restless and you get a little wasted
It's just a little lite entertainment Embrace it,
it might just save your life

So where else can you go to '
Cause no one's given you the book
About what to say and how to feel and what you
Should and shouldn't have took

It's feelings that you fearing that's why
You step outside your mind
Don't look back 'cause if you don't crack
You get to sing this lulaby
You get to sing this lulaby

Don't worry baby, if you get a little high
It's just a phase to get you through getting by
So you get a little restless and you get a little wasted
It's just a little lite entertainment Embrace it

Don't worry baby, if you get a little high
It's just a phase to get you through getting by
you do lots of complaining and do nothing to change it
well that's a little light entertainment
Embrace it, it just might save your life
Or it just might change your life